Friday, May 30, 2008

my last summer

i think it was a great thing to have my other relatives come and visit us for the summer because it's the last summer i'm getting as a college student. ha! so confident that by next year, i'll graduate.'s a great thing because i was able to have fun, i was able to enjoy my last summer as a student because the next summers of my life will be spent in an office of a company i do not own but later in my life, i'll be spending it an office in a company that i do own.
lol, i sound like i have it all figured out. and it looks like i am dumping my masters in business. but that's not a final plan yet. i just want to put it off for awhile and figure things out. i still do want to write, and use that as a living. but times are hard and living on a writer's paycheck won't do and i'll hear all about it from my parents...i just hope that my new york trip next year will help me a lot.
haha, if i graduate, i'm definitely booking that flight. :)
for now, whilst i enjoy the remaining days of my summer, i am trying to earn some extra bucks through blogging. haha... google shall punish me for that but i hope not. =) hehe, if you can, drop by the cookie jar of entertainment, please do and help me out. :)

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