Saturday, June 21, 2008

a soccer player no more

last night, i went through some of my stuff and was glad to find some things which i have hidden for quite some time now. i took them out because i wanted to share them. i took them out because i wanted to know if i could use them again. i took them out alright and i found the answer to my unspoken questions.
i'm not a soccer player anymore. i still want to play sports and i still hang-around a lot of guys but much has changed since i was running around a field with teammates whom i treasured and loved through the years. and what has changed is significant for me. i'm not that person anymore.
i still kick ass when needed but i'm with better company now and i can say that i'm a better person too.

i don't think that it's still a surprise that i have friends from the team whom i've lost and who have lost me as well. you hurt me real bad but i've risen from it all and found all that i have right now. some friends and lovers do come and go but the bunch i'm with, i'm certain will stay with me forever.

smashville fun

i didn't think i'd do it. i didn't think i'd survive. but i did. cheers to me. haha.
two days ago, i accepted an invitation to play badminton with the boys of the kuri club.
lol. kulot asked me to come and i said i would but i'd be bringing my gal pal fabz with me.
she came and we played all together. it was smashville fun. haha.

anyway, i'm so glad i came and played with everyone there. i'm glad to be receiving
all the invitations of playing with them again. although it felt awkward after finding out
that the other guys didn't know we were coming; i found out about it through shans. but that
feeling's gone now. :p, thanks guys; for making things okay...

i'd play again although i'm quite certain that i'm not gonna be such
a tough match for any of you. right? lol. pang cool down lang nga, as i've been
repeating. haha. but thanks. you've made me smile more.

it feels so great because for a moment there, i felt something i haven't felt in a long time.
back in the days when i was playing soccer in high school, i had a team; a bunch of friends
who'll help tackle the enemy, whoever, whatever it was. and you guys made me feel like
i'm part of a team again. it feels good to be playing again and i am really looking forward to
my next games with you. sometimes, the foundation of a good friendship could be found in sports
and i hope it could be the foundation of ours.

thanks everyone.

-from an old blog i used to run. Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

tomorrow brings a smile.

i grabbed this picture from this guy's friendster account with the intention of posting it here on my blog. i know him, we were friends although some would say things a little differently.
i met him in school when i was a college freshie. he's older than me for a few years and we had a lot of fun together. he's not the shy type of guy which is why i really had fun with him. but just so we're clear, it was the clean, good, kind of fun! =)
you don't see us together nowadays and i have to admit that it's my fault. i said goodbye to this guy in the most inappropriate way; i told him that i had moved and i did it through text. for some really, that would be a familiar line.

i am making this entry just to let everyone know that some things may end really badly but a time comes when you get to look back and smile at everything that has happened. there's a reason why it ended and there's a reason for you to look forward to what tomorrow brings.
i'm happy looking back at the times i had with this fella but i'm happier knowing the fact that i am where i am and he is where he is.
i do know that in the beginning, you can be very doubtful about the smile which tomorrow will bring. an advice; give tomorrow some help, make it happen. smile. =)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


for a about a year now, i've met someone who became special to me in a lot of ways. he's someone who listens to me, laughs with me in every moment of my life.
he's one of those persons who, when you're together or apart lets you know in ways, that you're special to him and to everybody else.
he can make fun of you a lot but then it's never for a negative cause.
there aren't much like him and that is why i appreciate him with my whole heart. =)

chinny with kuri

these guys are guys i'm truly thankful for having. although they are just a portion of the kuri gang that i've come to know, these guys are the best kuri guys around. hehe, and i mean that as a ka-barkada. thank you for sharing moments with me that got me twisted and became able to see the pretty light again. =) i thought i'd lose you guys the moment disaster struck but then, it all goes to show that the true friends will always be hanging around.
i'm thankful to all of you for the laugher and the company you have given me all these time. you guys just really crack me up with everything that you do. and again, thanks for having been there for me and for the plans of being there for me still. i'm here for any of you too! =) love much for all

Monday, June 2, 2008

the kabangangs or the kabz

i was just looking through my picture collection when i saw this picture to the left side of this article. i smiled when i saw it because it reminded me of the first time the kabz ever got together. this photo was taken a about a year ago and now we're about to start a new school year and will be meeting new people and will be having new friends. =)
i fell inlove with the kabz because they're fun and crazy but all in a good way. with the new school year ahead of us, i wouldn't really be surprised if this group grew because we're just that cool. hehe, we welcome you to this gang; the kabagang!