Friday, May 30, 2008

i got over it.

a few months ago, i would not have been able to genuinely smile at you. i am not appreciative of anything that you did during and before that time because you said so much but did so little with no meaning at all. not being good at it is not an excuse because i didn't even see you try. i listened to you and i listened too much; i think that was what i did so wrong that it resulted into me loving you. though love is not a bad thing, it felt really wrong because it ate me up. but i'm really glad that i've gone out of it and i found my smiles again. now, everything before me is in my hands, and everything before me is what i want. i found a greater love with my family and with my friends, i should have always known that. it's a fact that they don't want to see me with someone whose love can't compare to theirs; they were glad to see you go. and though i wasn't happy about it when we parted, right now i can only smile that we did. i'm happy now, and i wish that you are too. i may still have things to say but it's only because we weren't able to get the right opportunities to say everything we wanted to say. i won't say your name because it doesn't need to be mentioned,so you don't have to worry about what others could say. i'm only doing this to be really able to turn the page so that when tomorrow comes, i'll say that i've moved passed it and everyone who hears me say it will believe me. i do not intend to hurt you if that is still possible, this is entirely for me.

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